This is Sawyer! He's almost 21 months old and has his very own blog, what a lucky little guy! His brother will be
jealous when he turns about 10 or 12. He's so cute! My very good friend Tiffany has teamed up with
http://petuniapicklebottom.com/ to raise money for
Shriner's to help beautiful children like her son Sawyer. I am very excited about this cause and hope that you will go check out
Tiffany's blog
tiny seamstress for more information. You can check out the
gorgeous bag being auctioned off and the info about the give-a-way at
no matter how tall or
tiny seamstress. I've decided to donate a finished quilt of my choice to the give-a-way
Tiffany is doing. For anyone donating $10.00 or more will get one entry for each $10.00 donated. Thank you for caring & spread the news! Oh I will post the quilt in a couple of days! So keep watching......